Here is below some usefull information that you may need to know.
The currency in Socotra is Yemeni Riyal.
You can exchange money at a bank or at any money exchange companies in Socotra Island.
Take cash currency with you, USD, Saudi Rials or AED (UAE currency) are acceptable on the Island.
MasterCard and Visa Card not acceptable in Socotra.
Food and drinks on Socotra
The Yemeni national dish is a spiced meat stew. Ingredients in stews include beans, chickpeas and lentils. Rice with lamb is a favorite meal. Fresh fish is available.
Bread is prepared using sorghum, barley or wheat.
Vegetables include carrots, garlic, okra, onions, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach and squash.
Fruits available are apples, bananas, citrus fruits, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, melons, papayas, peaches and pomegranates.
Tea is a popular drink, served either with mint or milk. Coffee is often flavored with spices.
It is advised to drink water in bottle.
Usefull information about Alcohol:
Socotra is follows the Islamic religion, so alcoholic beverages are not available in Socotra.
But the tourists can bring their own alcohol beverages with them, it’s allowed to bring 2 letters per person; you can buy it from duty free at Abu Dhabi airport.
Non alcoholic bear can be found in many shops in Socotra.
Health Care:
Socotra is not a malaria region, there are some mosquitoes in some places so, a malaria prophylactic is recommended. Cholera is not present on the island at all. Drink only bottled mineral water; it’s readily available. There is a hospital on Hadibo and several clinics and Pharmacies are presented around Hadibo,
The electrical supply is nominally 220V, 50 Hz. Plugs varied, with both the round two-pin type commonly used throughout Europe, as well as the three-pin type found in the UK.
All the people follows Islam
Socotri is the local language, Arabic is the official and formal language; English is spoken by the people working in the tourism industry.
There is an internet access at some hotels in Hadibo and also Etisalat (UAE Telecom Company) offers 3G internet access which covered the most areas on Socotra.
Telephone lines are available on the the capital city of Socotra (Hadibo), and the country code: 00967 5 after the international access codes, number must be six digits.
The international call is available on the Island of Socotra.
Cellular phone:
There are 2 companies offering mobile services.
Yemen Mobile (CDMA system) working on some places on Socotra Island.
Etsalat (UAE Company) GSM system, working in the most areas on Socotra.
Post office:
The post office is located at the town of Hadibo, P O Box No. 111.
Time zone: GMT+3hrs
Official working hours
Normal days:
Government from 8:00am to 3:00pm except weekends (Friday and Saturday).
Private Sector from 8:00am to 1:00pm and from 4:00pm to 7:00pm.
During Holy Month of Ramadan:
Government from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Private Sector from 10:00am to 1:00pm and from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
Official Holidays:
22nd of May :( national day) anniversary of the Unification of Yemen.
1 May: International Labor Day.
26 September: anniversary of the revolution against the Imamate Monarchy.
14 October: anniversary of the revolution against British Colonialism.
30 November: anniversary of Independence and British withdrawal.
1 Muharram: first day of Hegira New Year (Anniversary of the Holy Prophet Emigration on the 1st of Muharram).
Eid AL-fitr holiday (Breakfasting feast) from 29 of Ramadan to third of Shawal.
Eid Al-Edha holiday (Hajj Feast) From 9 to 13th of Dhul-hajjah.
Friday and Saturday weekend.
If you need more usefull information, please contact us at anytime via Email, WhatsApp, Telegram or Instagram.